Lincoln Musicians Association

Why Should You Join the Local 463?

Local 463 Represents Professional Musicians

Local 463 was established in 1907. It represents over 150 local musician members. We act together to protect our mutual interests, to promote and conserve our craft, to agree on fair prices and conditions, and to enforce fair dealings in our profession. By collective bargaining, we can improve working conditions more effectively than players can do individually.

Local 463 has International Representation

Local 463 is affiliated with the American Federation of Musicians (AFM), the largest entertainment labor organization in the world, with over 100,000 members throughout the United Stated and Canada. Our local charter was issued on October 26, 1907, and it has been serving musicians continuously ever since.

Local 463 has Local Representation

Local 463 is a democratic, self-governing organization. Its regulations and policies are enacted at monthly Board meetings and General meetings two or three times a year.

For information about the people of Local 463, click here to go to the About Us section.

Members Enjoy Services and Benefits

Online Membership Directory

The directory of Local 463 members includes phone numbers and addresses as well as instruments played.

Online Musicians Referral Service

This service helps the public find musicians for parties, receptions, and business functions. Listing of players and their ensembles is a free service to Local 463 members.

Online Teacher Referral Service

Are you a music teacher? Do you need more students? This service provides a great way for parents to find the perfect teacher for their kid. And it's free!

Youth Membership

Musicians under the age of 21 can join without paying any initiation fee.

Student Membership

Any individual registered as a student in an accredited school, college or university may join as a Student Member without paying any initiation fee.


Score, the official newsletter of Local 463, keeps you informed of meetings and policy changes affecting Local 463 members. The AFM, our national organization, publishes the International Musician. This publication deals with similar issues, but on a national and international scale. It also publishes audition notices and classified ads.

To join, simply click here!


Thursday, March 13, 2025

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